Cristian Chivu

Chief Operating Officer

Cristian Chivu has a double PhD in Philosophy and Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. To prepare his PhD thesis, he followed study cycles at universities in Europe such as Rome Pontifical Institute, University of Munich. He authored a number of theology studies and is a known translator of ancient Greek into Romanian

His latest translated books, annotated and commented on were “Mark Eugenikos”, Volume I (2010), the world premiere of the original publication, and “Gregory Palamas” Volume II (2013). He writes for “Dilema Veche” cultural magazine and is the acclaimed author of articles such as A cup of wine with Michael Psellos, Eros kills death, Time for Moments, Volens-Nolens, Before you reach God, the Saints will eat you, Sermon about Gregory Palamas in the Youth Park, Marcela’s kolyva (La o cupă de vin cu Mihail Psellos, Erosul omoară moartea, Timp pentru clipe, Volens-Nolens, Pân’ la Dumnezeu te mănâncă sfinții, De vorbă cu Grigorie Palama în parcul Tineretului, Coliva Marcelei).

Since January 2012, he joined AMICOM, where he coordinates the Public Affairs and Government Relations department. He performed remarkably in accounts of great success such as Chevron, RMGC, Grup Servicii Petroliere, Electromagnetica and RWEA. Also, given his writer experience, he participates actively in the work of creation and publishing of the company.

Cristian is fluent in Greek and English.